Anxiety : Mental Health Services 2019


Understanding Anxiety 

Anxiety can manifest in the body and mind and show itself in several ways. Most people experience anxiety in some form or another during their lifetime. It can happen at various points in a person's life and at varied levels of severity. Some people experience anxiety for short periods of time (like a panic attack) or for longer periods of time (like a sense of unease or worry that lasts for days or weeks). Often the symptoms develop slowly. How these symptoms are experienced varies from person to person.


Anxiety is linked to Panic attacks, Feeling overwhelmed or Helpless , Coping with change and unforeseen challenges, Fear of losing control.  

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Call 086 - 120 61 51

Below are some statements which may help you to identify how anxiety is affecting you. If these statements resonate with you then talking to a counsellor is the most effective treatment and direction you can take.  Use the  Booking/Enquiries Form if you have any questions or if you would like to make an appointment.

Anxiety Psychological - Ask Yourself

  • I worry obsessively about every little thing

  • I can't stop thinking about it

  • Lately I feel restless, I can't sit still

  • Concentration and focus is difficult

  • Everything feels like the worst possible case

  • I can't to the point, I lose my train of thought

  • I'm irritable and impatient

  • Something really bad is going to happen

  • It feels like something is trapped, I'm trapped

  • Work is stressing me out to breaking point

  • I can't face being in a crowd

  • I feel really unsure & feel bad about myself

  • I'm going to die

Anxiety Physical - Ask Yourself 

  • I'm short of breath

  • My heart is pounding

  • I feel a bit drowsy like I'm always overtired

  • Constant headache, pressure on my temples

  • My head hits the pillow & I'm wide awake

  • It's a slow slow start in the mornings

  • My body aches, I feel sore all over

  • Its either diarrhoea or constipation

  • My period is late, early, more painful

  • When I'm hungry or when I eat, I feel sick

  • The main sensation is fear

  • I feel panic, dizzy, I'm going to faint

How I Can Help

with Anxiety, Pain attacks, Feeling overwhelmed or helpless, Coping with change and unforeseen challenges, Phobias, Fear of losing control


Counselling & psychotherapy is the recommended first course of action when treating all variations of Anxiety. 

Book an appointment and start counselling for anxiety, panic attacks, feeling overwhelmed or helpless, coping with change and unforeseen challenges, Phobias or fear of losing control.  

Studies show that counselling is proven to have the most lasting benefits when treating Anxiety.

Outcomes of Counselling for Anxiety 

  • Explore new and creative alternatives to challenges, thought-processes, coping

  • Reduce symptoms through practical bodywork exercises (e.g. breathing exercises)

  • Understand the underlying causes and origins of the anxiety

  • Safely confront false or exaggerated beliefs

  • CBT techniques help to identify thinking patterns and beliefs which trigger anxiety and can help to break the immediate cycle before exploring more complex underlying problems

  • Discover practical steps to support you through anxiety-triggering challenges

  • Move out of internalised worrying by exploring the reality of the present situations

  • Find meaningful ways to cope and manage

  • Relaxation & mindfulness techniques

Tags & Titles: Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Overwhelmed, GAD, General Anxiety Disorder, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Unrealistic beliefs & behavioural patterns, Applied Relaxation, Phobia, Hyperventilating, SSRIs, Panic Disorder, PD, Deep breathing exercise, Agoraphobia, Trauma, Social Anxiety, Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Detached Acceptance Technique 'Go with it'