Frequently Asked Question

What can therapy do for you?

What can therapy do for you?

Why speak to a Psychotherapist or Counsellor?

While family and friends may offer support, the personal nature and depth of the difficulties you are experiencing may call for a dedicated, supportive, confidential and non-judgmental space.  I call this the unique therapeutic space which you and I will create, respect and nurture.

Psychotherapy can offer you the opportunity to examine and reflect on your circumstances.  It examines your relationship to others and how you manage and cope within these relationships.  You will also have the opportunity to look at how you cope internally with the relationship you have with yourself e.g. how you perceive yourself, your inner critic, and how you manage that experience of yourself as you relate to others.

Psychotherapy also looks at your environment, the history of your environment and how you experience it.  By attending counselling and psychotherapy you can examine the behaviours you have learned which may have enabled you to cope with your environment and the circumstances in which you live.  You also examine why you learned those behaviours.

Counselling and Psychotherapy offers you the opportunity, at your own pace, to gain a gradual understanding of your difficult thoughts and feelings, your behaviours, your beliefs and their origins.

This gradual understanding will shed light on the nature of the underlying problems, and their causes. It will shed light on the familiar patterns you experience. It will shed light on the reasons for the behaviours you have learned and come to rely on as coping mechanisms and defences.

By engaging in Psychotherapy and Counselling you and I work collaboratively to develop more hopeful and creative ways to reconcile the difficulties you are experiencing. We work collaboratively to develop more hopeful and creative ways to cope with your unique life and life’s experience
— EKCounselling